
Here is the wonderful Kit, with a few words for ABC pushing lesbians to accommodate males wishing to f*ck them. Do I need to state these are adult human females that are ONLY attracted to adult human females??
This is part of rape culture.

Lady Kit Kowalski

Our dear national broadcaster, the ABC, has a delightful show called You can’t ask that where people from certain groups answer the questions that are considered. Muslims have answered “are you all Jihadi?” nudists have answered whether they are all swingers, clergy have opened up about their sex lives and HIV+ individuals have shared their stories of life with a death sentence. It breaks down barriers and is quite nice.

Finally, lesbians have their day!

Except, there’s one little snag. Almost literally, there is a sausage in the works. A self-declared lesbian male has shown up to tell lesbians what’s what.

Mostly he’s a bit clueless with statements such as “labels do work for me. Having the labels lesbian and trans-woman really helped me get to my current identity”. Well, that’s obvious mate. When you are searching for identity over substance, labels are all you will get.


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